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PYP Liability Waiver

1. I have no psychological, medical or other condition that would prevent me from safely participating in the classes at Power Yoga and Pilates (the "studio”). The heated classes at the Studio entail intensive physical activity conducted in a heated room (approx. 105 degrees F). I recognize that such intensive physical activity and exertion may be strenuous and may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition.

2. It is my responsibility to inform the instructor before class of any injuries or medical conditions that may impact my ability to participate in classes at the studio. 

3. I will follow all instructions given to me by my instructor as to when, where and how to perform/not perform the provided exercises. Even with clear instruction I recognize there is a possibility of injury and it is my responsibility to consult a physician regarding my ability to participate in classes at the studio. Further, any deviation from studio instructions are done at my own risk.

4. I understand this is a hot yoga studio and the floors may be wet. I will use caution when walking in the yoga room, hallways, bathroom and lobby. 

5. I understand if I take Pilates classes, I must keep a credit card on file in case I no show or late cancel (12 hours or less) with a fee of $20.  I must accept or decline my spot in class when I have been added  to the class from the waitlist. If I do not and I no show, I will be charged $20.


6. I understand I must give 30 day on-line notice to cancel my membership. If I cancel less than 30 days, I will be charged my monthly auto-pay. To cancel 30 days prior to my membership, I must go to, SERVICES and cancellation.

7. I understand I should leave my personal belongings in the bathroom lockers locked up vs unattended in cubbies in the hallway or in rooms/lobby.

8. I release and discharge the studio, its directors, partners, instructors and/or employees from any and all liability, claim, demand or action that I may have resulting from injury, death or damages arising from my participation in classes at the studio, including loss that may be caused by the negligence of the released party.

9. I release and discharge the studio, its directors, partners, instructors and/or employees from any and all liability, claim, demand or action that I may have related to the loss, theft or damage of any of my personal property from the studio premises. Lockers and cubbies are provided only as a convenience to students. 

PYP Privacy Policy

Power Yoga + Pilates LLC (PYP) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any class/workshop/event held by PYP, with the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. PYP may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by PYP including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.

To ensure the privacy of individuals, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject. A person attending a PYP class/workshop/event, who has had a photograph taken, who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution, who has not signed this disclaimer, should inform the owners of PYP, and/or contact PYP at 9330 W Sahara Ave #160, Las Vegas, NV 89117,call (702) 432-9642 please clarify the photograph/video, and it will be removed promptly.

By signing the PYP liability waiver, when/if you participate in a PYP class/workshop/event and if you fail to notify the photographer of your desire to not have your photograph used by PYP, you are agreeing to release, Power Yoga + Pilates from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or likeness. Any person or organization not affiliated with PYP may not use, copy, alter or modify PYP photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from PYP.

Refund Policy

The tuition, membership or registration fees are non-refundable. Refunds, if any, are made entirely within the studio’s discretion. I understand that except for a monetary refund, I have no claims against the studio by reason of their refusal to allow me to participate in studio classes.

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