Strengthening More Than The Body
Pricing & Memberships
Tourist Special
Includes mat and towel rental for 7 days.
First Month Unlimited Yoga & Fitness Classes $89
First Month Unlimited Classes Including Reformers $129

Yoga & Fitness Class Packages
Single Class
Package of 30

Unlimited no contract Yoga & Fitness
3 Months Unlimited

Pilates Reformer Class Packages
Single Class
Package of 5
Unlimited Pilates Reformers, Yoga, & Fitness Monthly with Autopay $189/month

Unlimited no contract Yoga , Fitness + Pilates Reformers
1 Month Unlimited
3 Months Unlimited
We love welcoming new faces to our studio, so ask about our new student discounts and deals! We offer various classes and challenges to mix things up as students continue to strengthen and take care of themselves at our studio. If there is anything we can improve upon, please don't hesitate to reach out to share those new ideas and recommendations!
We have bottled and sparkling water, and coconut water in case you forget yours for class. Additionally, we carry Celsius energy and Bai drinks to quench your thirst after class.
Investing into your lifetime practice? We have Manduka mats and Yogitoes grippy mat-towels for sale or rent, so just ask our front desk about which would work best for you! .